Weekly Thursdays 10am-12pm
Family Support Specialist, Linda Brunetti, from Autism Project will be present for all families looking for information and support on Autism and other Developmental Disabilities. This program is provided by “Creating the Connections.”
Program and materials are free and provided in the children’s room. A binder is available during regular library hours. For more Information or Questions, please call Linda at 401-785-2666 ext. 76045 or email her at [email protected].
Every Other Thursday 6-7pm
January 10 & 24
February 7 & 21
March 7 & 21
April 4 & 18
May 2 & 16
Tunes & Tales for Tots will have you sing songs
and make music with Anne-Marie Forer
Includes fingerplays, movement activities
and rhythm instrument play.
Parents attend program with children.
Suitable for ages 6 & under
When you sign up, you are signing up to attend all 6 programs. Those that register will get reminder calls and notified of cancellation.
Cancellations will also be posted on our facebook page.
Registration is suggested call 769-9044 x2 or stop by in person.
Visit Anne Marie’s website at http://www.tunes-n-tales.com/
January 4 & 25 February 1 & 15 March 1 & 15 & 29 April 12 & 26 May 10 & 24
Great for ages 2-5 with adult caregiver
You are signing up to attend all 6 programs. Those that register will get a reminder call and notified of cancellation. Cancellations will also be posted on our facebook page. Walk-is welcome as long as there is space in the room. To register call 769-9044 x2
Located in the children’s program room
Saturdays 1-2pm
January 26
February 23
March 23
April 20
May 18
Bring your imagination to the library and build
Lego creations with new friends.
Completed Lego creations may be displayed in our display case in the children’s room.
An adult must be with the child at all times in the
program room for safety. Great for ages 5 & up.
Weekly Thursdays 10am-12pm
Family Support Specialist, Linda Brunetti, from Autism Project will be present for all families looking for information and support on Autism and other Developmental Disabilities. This program is provided by “Creating the Connections.”
Program and materials are free and provided in the children’s room. A binder is available during regular library hours. For more Information or Questions, please call Linda at 401-785-2666 ext. 76045 or email her at [email protected].