Located in the children’s program room on selected Saturdays.
Bring your imagination. We supply the Legos! We will put your creation on display until the next Lego Club meets.
As these are the smaller Legos, an adult must be with the child in the room at all times for safety.
Limit 10 participants, 6 weeks of sessions on Mindfulness through March 2, class runs from 11-12:30. MUST REGISTER with Margaret by phone or email only 401-767-4126 or [email protected]. Free workshops, instructor is Stacey Cloutier.
Lunes, Febrero 10th, 7:30-8:30 PM
¡No hay mejor momento que el presente para tomar el control de su futuro financiero! El camino hacia la independencia financiera comienza con el entendimiento de algunos conceptos básicos y su implementación. Si elaboras un plan simple y lo sigues.te sorprenderá el progreso que puedes hacer.taller financiero gratuito ofrecido por primerica en la sala principal del programa en la biblioteca. Entre e infórmese para un futuro mejor.
No es necesario registrarse.
Este taller es ofrecido por Primerica Financial Services. Para obtener más información, llame a Manuel Arias al 617-755-0500.
Toddler time is appropriate for kids 18 months-2 years with an adult caregiver. Children will listen to stories, sing songs and finger plays. There will be a time for puzzle and puppet play. Registration begins Thursday 1/2/20. Please call the children’s room at 769-9044 Ext. Walk-ins are welcome if there is space available.
No program February 5th.
Story Time for ages 2-5 years
with adult caregiver.
Children listen to stories, sing songs,
play with puppets, puzzles and board books.
Kids make a craft to take home and enjoy.
Caregivers attend story time with children.
Siblings welcome!
Call 769-9044 ext 2 to register.
Registration begins January 2nd