Music is Fun with Mr. Rowland
Apr 24 @ 10:30 am – 11:30 am

Selected Fridays 10:30-11:30

Takes place in the large program room near the restrooms.

Mr. Rowland brings his guitar and music shakers for the little ones to use.

Sing along and move to the rhythm of these songs for children and families.

Great for ages 6  & under with adult. Parents attend with children. Walk-ins are welcome if there is space in the room.

Call 769-9044 x2 or stop by in person to register for this program. When you sign up you are signing up to attend all programs. Those that register will get reminder calls and also be notified if there is a cancellation due to sickness or weather. Cancellations will also be posted on our facebook page.

Knitting Circle WR
Apr 29 @ 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm

This week held in the Woonsocket Room. Knitting Circle for ages 10 and up. A non instruction, minimal help gathering from 6:30-8pm. Contact [email protected] for more information.

Family Music Night
Apr 30 @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Anne-Marie Forer of Tunes and Tales for Tots presents this Family Music night great for ages 6 & under with adult caregiver.

Thursdays 6-7pm

Tunes & Tales for Tots will have you sing songs
and make music with Anne-Marie Forer
Includes fingerplays, movement activities
and rhythm instrument play.
Parents attend program with children.
Suitable for ages 6 & under

When you sign up, you are signing up to attend all of the listed programs.

Those that register will get reminder calls and notified of cancellation.
Cancellations will also be posted on our facebook page.
Registration is suggested call 769-9044 x2 or stop by in person.

Visit Anne Marie’s website at http://www.tunes-n-tales.com/

RI Early Childhood Storyteller Ring
Apr 30 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

This program is for adults who work with young children and wish to tone their storytelling skills with a professional storyteller with over 25 years of experience performing for young children.

This program is free and covers

Tips and techniques for effective telling

finding, selecting & learning stories to tell

practice telling in a safe & supportive enviornment

Sharing ideas, songs & fingerplays

Using puppets, felt boards & other props

creating original stories

The purpose of the RI Early Childhood Storyteller Ring is to encourage oral storytelling both in the classroom and at home. This free monthly group is being facilitated by Anne-Mare Forer.

For more information about Anne-Marie Forer  [email protected]

To register for the program call the library at 769-9044×2

Walk-ins are welcome.

Sorry, this program is for adults only, not for children.

D&D for 18 & up
May 2 @ 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm

1-3pm Every other Saturday from November to June.

This table top role playing game based on the D&D style, but not necessarily the D&D universe, is for 18 years and up.

A D&D game for teens in Middle and High school takes place Tuesdays 3-5pm

For more information contact Ed Fuqua at 401-769-9044 x3 or 401-767-4132