DEM Sea Ducks
Feb 18 @ 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Winter Waterfowl  

February 18, 2021 @4pm  

Which group of birds can only be spotted in RI during the winter? Sea ducks! Join the RIDEM Wildlife Outreach Team for a fun virtual crash course on these unique winter visitors, where you can go to see them, and the interesting conservation projects that have focused on sea ducks in RI. This FREE program will be presented in partnership with the Woonsocket Harris Library.  To register fill out the form at tinyurl.com/seaducks and we will send you the zoom code.

Mobile Quest Adventures
Feb 19 @ 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Friday February 19th 3pm

In this science adventure you will have to use all of your problem solving skills and become a  MQGuyver – Participants will get a water bottle full of supplies that they must use to engineer a pulley system and a zipline to help Rapunzel get her cup of Dunkin’ Donuts Ice Coffee.  When you register you will be instructed to come to the library and pick up your Rescue Rapunzel kit. Then get the Zoom code for us and join the science sleuths at Mobile Quest Adventures and see if you can find a way to get Rapunzel her Ice Coffee. Great for upper elementary, tweens and teens. To register email childens@woonsocketlibrary.org please put Mobile Quest in the subject line and we will send you the zoom code. Want to see a video explaining more? MQGuyver on Vimeo


Exploring Woonsocket
Feb 19 @ 4:00 pm – 4:15 pm

Ms. Solitaire takes us on a journey across Woonsocket exploring local places, resources and topics. Fridays at 4pm on Facebook. Archived videos can be found on our YouTube site.

Booktalking with Ed and Michaela
Feb 22 @ 4:00 pm – 4:30 pm

Booktalking began as a talk about great books for young people, but it has grown into a freewheeling discussions of exciting topics and themes. We cover everything from serial killers to conspiracy theories, but also books. Hosted by Young Adult Librarian Ed Fuqua and Michaela.

Feb 24 @ 4:00 pm – 4:30 pm

Conversations- Young Adult Librarian Ed Fuqua and Children’s Assistant Miss Solitaire talk about a wide range of topics related to the world of books and learning. Topics include poetry, fantasy, folk tales, fairy lore and world mythology, plus you never know what might pop up.