¡No hay mejor momento que el presente para tomar el control de su futuro financiero! El camino hacia la independencia financiera comienza con el entendimiento de algunos conceptos básicos y su implementación. Si elaboras un plan simple y lo sigues.te sorprenderá el progreso que puedes hacer.taller financiero gratuito ofrecido por primerica en la sala principal del programa en la biblioteca. Entre e infórmese para un futuro mejor. No es necesario registrarse.
Este taller es ofrecido por Primerica Financial Services. Para obtener más información, llame a Manuel Arias al 617-755-0500.
This week held in the Woonsocket Room. Knitting Circle for ages 10 and up. A non instruction, minimal help gathering from 6:30-8pm. Contact [email protected] for more information.
There’s no better time than the present to take control of your financial future! The path to financial independence starts with understanding a few basic concepts and implementing them. If you put together a simple plan and follow it, you will be amazed at the progress you can make.
Free Financial Workshop offered in the main program room at the library. Drop-in, no sign-up needed. This workshop is offered by Primerica Financial Services.
For more information, please call Manuel Arias at 617-755-0500.
No Zumba on January 13th or 20th. See you on the 27th
Sessions led by Connie Anderson resume at the library on Monday, April 8th from 6pm-7pm. For more information, please call Connie at 762-4166.
Sponsored by the Woonsocket Health & Rehabilitation Center.
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