Family Resource Specialist Linda Brunetti from the Autism Project provides information for parents of children with ASD every Thursday morning. Contact Linda at [email protected] or call 401-785-2666 ext. 76045
Take place in the Children’s Program Room
Great for ages 7 & up with adult caregiver
This is a slideshow powerpoint presentation about the land and culture of India.
A few foods from India will be available for people to sample.
Free tickets will be given out starting Monday July 16th.
There are 3 sessions of the escape room. Each escape room holds 8 people maximum. Tickets will be available starting at 4PM. First come first serve on the day of the program July 25th.
5:00 – 5:30P
5:40 – 6:10P
6:20 – 6:50P
Answer HP questions, collect galleons and win prizes. We might even have time to play Pictionary, too! No registration required.
Songs from the point of view of Draco Malfoy from the Harry Potter series. All ages welcome.