Learn about Dream Catchers and their importance in Native American culture. Ms. Webb will show parents and kids how to make dream catchers from paper plates and string.
Great for ages 4-8 with adult. Parents attend this class with children.
Registration begins Tuesday April 9th. Call 769-9044 x2
Learn about Dream Catchers and their importance in Native American culture. Ms. Webb will show students ages 9 & up how to make dream catchers from embroidery hoops, string, beads, feathers.
Registration begins Tuesday April 9th.
Call 769-9044 x2
We supply the chocolate melts in a variety of colors and Oreo’s in a variety of flavors. Take a cake pop stick and attach it to the Oreo of your choice and dip it in chocolate. Then choose from a variety of sprinkles to make your Oreo Pop decorative.
Although there are no nut products in this program it is possible that some of the decorations or chocolate melts may be processed in a factory that also produces nuts. Please advise us if you child has any food allergy upon registration.
Open to students in Middle School and High School only.
For safety reasons we must keep the ages to 10 and up for participants in the room. Younger siblings may wait outside the room with an adult caregiver.
Registration begins Tuesday April 9th.
Each meeting we will talk about computers and coding and will include fun interactive activities. A typical meeting starts with girls reading and listening together from a part of the book. Then, they discuss question that relate to both the book and important concepts, like bravery, resilience, computational thinking and sisterhood. The Club will then take on a creative challenge that relates to the chapter they read – either unplugged or online. Activities will be done both offline with paper and markers and online using programs like Scratch.
Classes are held in the
Studio Rhode Room
of the Woonsocket Harris Library
April 8, 15, 22, 29 May 6, 13, 20
Takes place after school 4-4:45pm
Suitable for students in grades 3-5
Online registration is required by Girls Who Code. Ask Ms. Chris for the information on how to sign up.
Parents are required to sign a permission form with instructions on how to register students online.
Students must be registered online with GWO to read passages from the book and do the online Scratch tutorials.
Sorry no walk-ins for this program.
When you are signing up you are signing up to attend all classes. Each class builds upon the next so attendance is important.
This excludes the program during school vacation week. That is a fun add on!
Creando las Conexiones involucra a los participantes en las etapas de desarrollo del niño, para que puedan reconocer y actuar sobre el desarrollo atípico cuando lo observen. El objetivo de esta sesión es aumentar el acceso a los recursos que promueven la detección, evaluación, diagnóstico, y la inscripción en los servicios adecuados para niños en riesgo de discapacidades del desarrollo o el Trastorno del Espectro del Autismo. Los participantes también tendrán una mejor comprensión del poder y beneficio de utilizar apoyos visuales para proporcionar estructura en las actividades del día a día.
Yeimy Bakemon-Morel
phone #401-785-2666 ext 76795
email is YBakemonMorel@lifespan.org.