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Homeschool Event
Homeschool Event
Apr 20 @ 10:30 am – 11:30 am
The Museum of Work and Culture and the Woonsocket Harris Public Library present Parochial education & the Sentinelle Affair in Woonsocket Open to all homeschool families. Please visit the Museum of Work and Culture’s website to register for this event or Call the library at 401-769-9044 x2. Registration is required.
3:00 pm
Winter Book Club Meeting
Winter Book Club Meeting
Apr 20 @ 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Winter month meetings in February and March on the 4th Monday afternoon in place of 3rd Wednesday at 7 pm. All who are 18+ are welcome to join us from 3-4pm.
6:30 pm
Knitting Circle WR
Knitting Circle WR
Apr 22 @ 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
This week held in the Woonsocket Room. Knitting Circle for ages 10 and up. A non instruction, minimal help gathering from 6:30-8pm. Contact [email protected] for more information.
7:00 pm
Taller Financiero Financial Workshop
Taller Financiero Financial Workshop
Apr 22 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
¡No hay mejor momento que el presente para tomar el control de su futuro financiero! El camino hacia la independencia financiera comienza con el entendimiento de algunos conceptos básicos y su implementación. Si elaboras un plan simple y lo sigues.te sorprenderá el progreso que puedes hacer.taller financiero gratuito ofrecido por primerica en la sala principal del programa en la biblioteca. Entre e infórmese para un futuro mejor. No es necesario registrarse. Este taller es ofrecido por Primerica Financial Services. Para obtener más información, llame a Manuel Arias al 617-755-0500.
10:30 am
Music is Fun with Mr. Rowland
Music is Fun with Mr. Rowland
Apr 24 @ 10:30 am – 11:30 am
Selected Fridays 10:30-11:30 Takes place in the large program room near the restrooms. Mr. Rowland brings his guitar and music shakers for the little ones to use. Sing along and move to the rhythm of these songs for children and families. Great for ages 6 & under with adult. Parents attend with children. Walk-ins are welcome if there is space in the room. Call 769-9044 x2 or stop by in person to register for this program. When you sign up you are signing up to attend all programs. Those that register will get reminder calls and also be notified if there [...]
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