STEAM Projects for Kids
Nov 20 @ 4:00 pm – 4:30 pm

Virtual STEAM craft for Kids. Ms. Chris & Ms. Gabby show you their latest STEAM craft. Go to the Woonsocket Library Facebook page or Google Classroom. Use code 4fuq5bj to see these fun science crafts.


STEAM Projects for Kids
Dec 4 @ 4:00 pm – 4:30 pm

Virtual STEAM craft for Kids. Ms. Chris & Ms. Gabby show you their latest STEAM craft. Go to the Woonsocket Library Facebook page or Google Classroom. Use code 4fuq5bj to see these fun science crafts.


STEAM Projects for Kids
Dec 11 @ 4:00 pm – 4:30 pm

Virtual STEAM craft for Kids. Ms. Chris & Ms. Gabby show you their latest STEAM craft. Go to the Woonsocket Library Facebook page or Google Classroom. Use code 4fuq5bj to see these fun science crafts.


STEAM Projects for Kids
Dec 18 @ 4:00 pm – 4:30 pm

Virtual STEAM craft for Kids. Ms. Chris & Ms. Gabby show you their latest STEAM craft. Go to the Woonsocket Library Facebook page or Google Classroom. Use code 4fuq5bj to see these fun science crafts.


Greg Cooney’s: Make your own musical instruments
Dec 30 @ 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Free program live on zoom Wednesday December 30th 3-4pm
Greg Cooney’s Make your own Musical Instruments
Local music teacher and musical performer Greg Cooney will join us live on zoom to help chase those “stay-at-home blues.” Greg will entertain us with some fun music and show us how to make our own musical instruments at home. The instruments will come in handy as you and your family celebrate the New Year with your own music!

A list of materials you might want to have available are:
Any clean recyclable items paper towel tubes, cereal boxes, cardboard boxes, paper lunch bags, old metal spoons, paper or plastic plates or cups, plastic water bottles, clean food containers, jars with lids.

Dry rice, beans, small stones, anything that makes a sound when put in a container.

School Supplies Needed are: rubber bands, staples, tape, glue and safe scissors. As Greg says, if you drop it and hear a ring bring it with you and some string. Don’t forget you can decorate your item if you have decorative paper or stickers! Basically look around your house for anything that combined with another object will make noise! Greg will be live on zoom and can see what you have in front of you and make suggestions for what you can do with the stuff you have already.

Suitable for all ages even if you have two paper plates and a box of Cheerio’s from preschoolers to adults! Program is also good for adults. Ms. Chris will also be participating with an assortment of items. Let’s make music together to bring in a Happy New Year.

To get the Zoom code to join us fill out this form at

For questions call 401-767-4122